
Profile of Gerardo Acerenza

Gerardo Acerenza

Profile of Linda Badan

Linda Badan


Linda Badan is Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Padova. She obtained her PhD from the University of Padova and has held various research fellowships, including the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange Grant (Taiwan) and the International Fellowship for Experienced Researchers Fernand Braudel-IFER (École Normale Supérieure, Paris). She has been a postdoctoral fellow at the City University of Hong Kong, Leiden University, the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l’Asie Orientale in Paris. Previously, she held the position of Associate Professor of Linguistics at Ghent University (Belgium) and Assistant Professor at the University of Trento (Italy). Her main research interests include theoretical linguistics at the interfaces between syntax and prosody, syntax and pragmatics, comparative syntax of Sinitic, Romance, and African languages, and the acquisition of Chinese and Italian as second languages.

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Profile of Serenella Baggio

Serenella Baggio

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Simone Barco


Simone Barco is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Trento in the LingWA project (P.I. Ermenegildo Bidese). He studied in Turin before obtaining a PhD in Linguistics from University for Foreigners of Siena. He was also involved in the management of the former University of Trento Phonetics Laboratory, under the supervision of Serenella Baggio.

Research Interests: Language and Dialect Contact, Koineization, Italo-Romance Dialects, Sociolinguistics Variation, Linguistics Analysis of Song Lyrics

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Profile of Ermenegildo Bidese

Ermenegildo Bidese


Ermenegildo Bidese received a PhD in German Linguistics from the University of Verona, Italy, in 2007, and a PhD in Philosophy from the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany, in 2001. After several experiences in scientific research and academic teaching, he joined the Department of Philology and Philosophy of the University of Trento, where he became Associate Professor in 2016. In 2018, he obtained the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) for Full Professor in German Linguistics in Italy, and in 2021 the venia legendi (Habilitation) in German Linguistics and General Linguistics in Germany. In 2012, he was awarded a Fulbright Research Fellowship at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT (Cambridge, MA). He has participated in several research projects, including the project AthEME (Advancing the European Multilingual Experience) funded by the European 7th Framework Programme (2014-2019) and the PRIN project ALPILINK (German-Romance Language Contact in the Italian Alps: documentation, explanation, participation) (2022-2025). He is currently PI of LingWA project (The language of others. Dynamic models of medieval German immigration in Trentino) (2024-2025) funded by the CARITRO fundation. Bidese’s current research focuses on the dynamics of specific language contact in the syntax of the Germanic minority languages of northern Italy, and on the sprachbund effect along the Alpine Germanic-Romance continuum. Another focus of Bidese’s work is the architecture of the language faculty and its origins. In this area, he is editor-in-chief of the academic journal Evolutionary Language Theory (ELT) published by Benjamins.

Research Interests: Contact Linguistics; Theoretical syntax; Dialect and heritage syntax; Syntactic variation and change; Contact-induced language change; Germanic syntax, History of German, Germanic language minorities; Language Origin and Evolution; Language and Cognition, Philosophical Theories on Universal Grammar

Profile of Jorge Canals

Jorge Canals Piñas


Jorge Canals-Piñas got his PhD in Spanish Philology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Blecua in the year 2001. Before joining in 2002 the Department of Humanities, University of Trento, he had previous teaching activities in the field of Spanish Language at the Universities of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Trieste and Chieti-Pescara. In the year 2015 he became Associate Professor of Spanish Language and Translation. Nowadays his research deals mainly with cultural studies and contemporary Spanish literature and in his works he pays attention to linguistic aspects. In the period 2015-2016 he was a member of the interdisciplinary project entitled “Wars and Post-War: States and Societies, Cultures and Structures”, which was declared a research project of strategic interest by the University of Trento. In the years 2008-2010 he participated as an active member in the research program “Language and Culture in Tourism” (PRIN: Protocollo 2007ASKNML_003).

Research Interests: Mass Media Influence, Spanish Travelogues

Profile of Patrizia Cordin

Patrizia Cordin


Patrizia Cordin is senior professor of Linguistics at the Department of Humanities, University of Trento, and director of Bilingualism Matters Trento Verona.Her research examines different aspects of multilingualism, linguistic variation, and the interplay between local languages, historical and recent minority languages, and standard languages. She contributes to various projects, including Linguistic Practices of Bilingual Children in Schools of Trentino, CLaM 2021 – Cimbro Ladino Mòcheno 2021, and AlpiLink – Alpine Languages in Contact.

Research Interests: Contact Linguistics, Linguistic Variation, Minority Languages, Heritage Languages, Dialect, Multilingualism, Italian as L2, Lexicology, Morphology

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Profile of Claudia Demattè

Claudia Demattè

Profile of Sabrina Francesconi

Sabrina Francesconi


Sabrina Francesconi is associate professor of English Language and Translation at the University of Trento. She teaches in the Bachelor’s program in Modern Languages and the Master’s program in Anglo-American Literatures, Translation, and Literary Criticism. Her research interests encompass audiovisual adaptation studies, humor studies, multimodal analysis, genre analysis, and stylistics. Additionally, she has a strong focus on specialist languages, particularly in the areas of tourism, commerce, and cultural heritage. She has published extensively on tourism and cultural heritage discourse, including four monographs: Heritage Discourse in Digital Travel Video Diaries (Tangram, 2018), Reading Tourism Texts: A Multimodal Analysis (Channel View Publications, 2014), Generic Integrity and Innovation in Tourism Texts in English (2012), and English for Tourism Promotion: Italy in British Tourism Texts (2007). Alongside she edited Translating Tourism: Linguistic/Cultural Representations (2006) with O. Palusci. Her research in stylistics has primarily centered on Alice Munro’s narrative style and the audiovisual adaptations of her stories. Two books, Alice Munro, il piacere di raccontare (Carocci, 2015) and A Multimodal Stylistic Approach to Screen Adaptations of the Work of Alice Munro (Routledge, 2023), complement her extensive collection of articles and essays published throughout the years.

Research Interests: Audiovisual Adaptation Studies, Humor Studies, Multimodal Analysis, Genre Analysis, Stylistics, Specialist Languages

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Profile of Sofia Graziani

Sofia Graziani

Profile of Marco Magnani

Marco Magnani

Profile of Morlino Luca

Luca Morlino


Luca Morlino is Assistant Professor of Romance Philology and Linguistics at the University of Trento, where he also taught as Instructor. He previously taught Italian Language and Culture at the Universities of Torun (UMK), Gdansk (ASW) and Warsaw (SWPS), and Rheto-Romance Language and Culture at the University of Bozen. Before that, he was a Post-doc Research Fellow at the Italian Council Research (CNR) Institute “Opera del Vocabolario Italiano” in Florence and at the University of Padua, where he graduated and received his PhD in Romance Philology and Linguistics.

He has published critical editions with linguistic commentary of Medieval Romance literary texts. He is also the author of many articles on Medieval Romance Languages and Literatures, with particular reference to the topics indicated below.

He obtained the National Scientific Qualification (ASN) as both Associate Professor and Full Professor in Romance Philology and Linguistics.

Research Interests: Troubadour Poetry, Chansons de geste, Medievalism, Translation Studies, Lexicography, Etymology, Onomastics

Profilo Moroni

Manuela Caterina Moroni


Manuela Caterina Moroni is professor of German linguistics in the Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures, and Cultures at the University of Bergamo. She was affiliated with the Department of Humanities and Philosophy at the University of Trento for the period of 2007 to 2021, initially as a researcher and subsequently as an associate professor. The focus of her doctoral dissertation (University of Verona, 2006) was on the relationship between the syntax and modal particles of German in spoken language, analysing how they interacted with information structure and intonation. In her habilitation thesis (Bern, Switzerland, 2019), she investigated how intonation influences spontaneous conversations in German and Italian. Moreover, she has engaged in research stays at the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim, with substantial financial support from the DAAD, and has provided instruction in German linguistics at the University of Dresden. Her principal research interests include the expression of modality (modal particles, modal verbs) and intonation in German and Italian.

Research Interests: Modal Particles in German and Italian, Prosody, Intonation, Syntax–Pragmatics Interface, Contrastive Linguistics, Linguistics in Translation Studies, Teaching and Learning German as a Foreign Language

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Profile of Federica Ricci Garotti

Federica Ricci Garotti

Profile of Fabiana Rosi

Fabiana Rosi

Profile of Katharina Salzmann

Katharina Salzmann


Katharina Salzmann received a PhD in German Linguistics from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2015. From 2016 to 2018 she was a research assistant at the Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Rome in an international project on multilingualism. From 2018 to 2022 she worked as a Junior Assistant Professor at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Faculty of Education, where she gained valuable experience in the field of language acquisition, teacher training and didactics with young children. In 2020 she obtained the National Scientific Habilitation (ASN) for Associate Professor in German Linguistics in Italy. In April 2024 she joined the Department of Philology and Philosophy of the University of Trento as a Senior Assistant Professor.

She participated in several research projects, including GeWiss (an international project on spoken academic communication) during PhD (2012-2015), and a project on German as a third language and multilingualism in the European Union funded by the Italian Ministry of Education (2016-2018). She was co-PI of a project on first and multilingual language acquisition in kindergarten children growing up in the Ladin valleys in South Tyrol (2019-2021) and currently collaborates in the PRIN project “German Language in Italy: where we are and where we want to go”, in a trilateral (Germany-Italy-France) project on digitally mediated academic communication as well as in the Erasmus+ project “Diversity in action: a cross-border online space for training teachers through multilingual and multicultural experiences”.

Salzmann’s current research focuses on the acquisition of grammatical and pragmatic knowledge in German as a first or second language in children at kindergarten age and on the acquisition of German as a third language after Italian and English. Another focus of Salzmann’s work is the study of spoken German, including the academic variety of different genres, such as conference talks and digital or hybrid lectures.

Research Interests: Child Language Acquisition in German, Cross-Linguistic Influence in Language Learning, Spoken German and Conversational Analysis, Academic Communication Skills, Contrastive Linguistics: German-Italian

Profile of Giulia Tomasi

Giulia Tomasi


Giulia Tomasi, Doctor Europaeus in “Le Forme del Testo” (University of Trento, 2019), is currently Research Fellow (RtdB) at the University of Trento (2023-2026) and teaches courses in Spanish Language and Translation. She has been working for three years on the project Mapping Chivalry: Spanish Romances of Chivalry from Renaissance to XXI Century, a Digital Approach (PRIN 2017JA5XAR, PI: Anna Bognolo, Università di Verona), participating in several national and international conferences. She devotes her research to various resources of the Digital Humanities, such as data mining, OCR and HTR technologies and the tagging of literary texts. She also deals with literary translation with a special focus on Spanish-Italian relations, young adult literature and linguistic variation. She is also specialised in Spanish Books of Chivalry, with special attention to the literary motifs developed in the plots. On all these subjects she has published articles in high-impact journals, such as Historias Fingidas, Orillas and Tirant, and in several volumes; she has also edited the comedy Don Florisel de Niquea by Juan Pérez de Montalbán, volume 2.2 of the Segundo tomo de comedias (Kassel: Reichenberger, 2020).

Research Interests: Children’s and Young Adult Literature, Digital Humanities, Linguistic Variation (Spanish), Literary Translation, Spanish Renaissance Literature

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