Davide Marcadent
Davide Marcadent is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Euro-American Literature, Literary Criticism, and Translation at the University of Trento. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Literature, Languages, and Translation, for which he wrote a thesis on German literature titled Teufel, Dämonen und Schatten: Eine vergleichende Analyse in Bezug auf den Begriff des Dämonischen in Goethes Faust und Adelbert von Chamissos Peter Schlemihls wundersame Geschichte, developed as part of a research project conducted at the University of Dresden.Regarding his professional experience, he serves as a delegate for the university’s orientation services in the humanities, works as a tutor for German linguistics, and teaches English and German at an evening school.
Research Interests: Historical Literary Studies, Language Acquisition and Cognitive Linguistics, Philology

Paolo Valentinelli
Paolo Valentinelli is currently enrolled in the dual-degree master’s program in ‘Letterature euroamericane, traduzione e critica letteraria’ at the University of Trento and ‘Europäische Sprachen’ at the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). In 2022, he earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Trento with a thesis in German and Romance linguistics titled ‘Überlegungen über den V2: Diachronische Analyse des Italienischen und der Fall des mittelalterlichen Venedisch’ (Reflections on V2: A Diachronic Analysis of Italian and the Case of Medieval Venetian). Since 2022, he has been a tutor in German linguistics at the University of Trento.
Research Interests: Applied Linguistics, Comparative and Contrastive Linguistics, Syntax