Picture of an academic room


Where languages meet

Welcome to TreLinLab!

Linguistics is the science of language, a phenomenon that is central to all aspects of human life: thought, psyche, communication, the generation and transmission of knowledge, society, history, and evolution. Like all sciences, linguistics assumes that language – understood both as human faculty and as any historical manifestation of it (i.e. the various languages) – has a structure that can be recorded and encompassed. This is its primary goal: to uncover regularities in the language system using scientific methods.

TreLinLab is a facility, located in room 464, within the Department of Humanities of the University of Trento dedicated to the study of language. It was established in 2024 as a continuation of the Gabinetto di fonetica (Phonetics Cabinet) founded in 2018 by prof. Serenella Baggio. It hosts projects and activities belonging mainly to following investigation areas:

  • experimental linguistics;
  • discourse analysis;
  • language variation and change, dialectology and language contact;
  • oral data and speech analysis technologies for language teaching.

The TreLinLab is composed of researchers of different Universities, as well as doctoral and master degree students. Researchers can join by contacting the lab coordinator. Laboratory equipment can also be lent out to students of the Department for research purposes by filling in the on-page form.

Research meeting

Research projects

The members of the laboratory have worked on many different linguistics projects. Find out more by visiting the dedicated page.

Picture of stashed newspapers


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